Above All Else

There was a fall from grace and the many nuances of illusion and ignorance.

This painting came about when I was diving further into the symbol of the pearl I so often paint.  The pearl just started appearing one day, breaking through the noise within the desire to become. The pearl rests gently in the medicine bag, a treasure chest in the center of our hearts.

This painting hangs sideways, it started and ended that way but I painted most of it turned once to the right.

Looking at it to the right I see a mask or a skull.  It felt like a wise guide was in front of me, a saint in blue robes of the sky.  The sun of awakening and enlightenment alive and blazing forth from within. The guide is communicating to the pearl of what has been and what can be.

The green and yellow spoke of Kundalini, the life force energy of a person rising to meet the crown.  A teaching of  how to use this energy rightly.

There is black and white. The shadow and lightness of a person and life. There’s a butterfly with flames of transformation.  There are skin tones and a shared story of falling to the earth.

I thought of my deceased grandfather. It felt like he was with me telling me of how he misused the energy that was his life. How he would do it differently and it would have changed my life.  There was regret and understanding. There was also great strength in this energy too, how strong he was and able, and how it’s all inconsequential and always refining itself.

There was consolation and transformation in telling the story of his life from a state of grace.  It is the story of the use of ancestral energy, the alpha male energy wanting to control and dominate his world around him. How he was able to do that.

He wanted to live in harmony with this saintly treasure of a pearl, but he had been in the shadow of man, a body in the world.

How to use this energy and gift it to the world in a new way. How to refine the lost lessons of community and learn to string the pearl together with others.

My grandfather lived the life of an alcoholic, a Catholic and a dairy farmer in an isolated and often cold world in Vermont. It was hard and full of struggle. He was a father of eight and a husband to a devoutly Catholic woman. He lived this strength and carried forward a family with strain in their hearts and a desire to be together and keep it all running no matter what. These habits we wear run on forever. This blue of voice is as expansive as the sea and sky and has power to learn to how to truly minister, how to console and bring comfort, no matter what.

We create our world from our hearts and our learned wisdom. It doesn’t stop at death. The value of the life carries on refining itself and burning away the emotionally plundered purse that holds the pearl. Watch our words as they call out into the world. We have the ability to rise above and learn the ancestral pilgrimage of time and the proper use of action and energy used rightly for the good of the community. It was all there ever was and will be, lessons in living together.

Out Even Further Now

The process of becoming within this world is innate.  A natural push to exist. A mixture of what has already been, what is coming and who you are through it.

It is a way we twist and turn into the experiences of life and come out transformed by time and effort.  The process of human development.

This ancient way of existence has control of things. It pushes and prods, often a painful process in simply learning where to go and what to do. The question of how to fly and  follow the natural flow towards liberation.

Liberation, by its very nature is free to express and free to exist in a way that is beneficial to ourselves and to others.  To a way that is fulfilling – if we’re lucky.

The voice is a gift in this creation of development, a real marvel. It is awe inspiring and amazing to possess.

From infancy our voices are abused and reworked. Tricked and hijacked. The movement towards freedom of expression thwarted at every turn. A real fight to survive.

People are forced to change the way they express themselves and misguided from speaking.  There is pressure to instead say the same things and speak in the same way. We mimic each other.  It is a fight to say things that are true and enlightening. Honest and needed.

We know life is fraught with challenges.  It pushes back and says no. It takes courage and conviction to keep pushing, to keep growing and becoming letting the experience of a continuous nature find freedom.

The push back of not yet is a real thing. A conflict and a process to wrestle with.

Life on earth seems to have a natural tendency towards things. A coming alive after dormancy.

The process creates a new person to look out into the future and see anew.

The growing out of a glandular stage to the light of the day that permeates the places closed and kept in the dark, wrestling with what was  and what is coming.

The loops felt like a clear, consistent and  connected conversation of different parts working together. Lineages and generations teaching of the relationship with the self.   A string of ancestors and guides that created the cocoon.

I called it OutEvenFurtherNow because it appeared to me almost like an index finger pointing forward to a next movement.  A next step in life.

The teaching of the self, both individual and collective, as part past, part future and in the moment of awakening to something new. A new way of thinking and speaking. A way of being in the world.  It felt like the finger was pushing in on the blue of the lotus assisting with its blooming.

It spoke of arrested development and of voice working through the dilemmas.

The green square that has appeared often in my work, many times before really taking notice to it,  is teaching of a field of creation we all have access to.  Great modern teachers of imagination speak of it as well. A place we enter and surrender to the ideas, answers and insights. The butterfly of transformation has a smile in happy anticipation.

The yellow brought joy to my eyes. The essence of it very alive.

There are some darker smudges on this painting, where green and blue mixed with the yellow. I felt the work of it being like mud of ignorance and struggle.

The mud being the reasons for these kinds of transformations. The very things that cause and sometimes force the desire and movement. The crisis of development.

There are phases and stages to life and in this painting I certainly felt the reality of myself existing in a space and time of transformation where many are, have been and continue to exist pushing us all forward through time.

We do it together, we do it alone and we do it with the interdependence of action. Movement that is necessary.

May we all keep learning how to grow here together.


Reformed Mother

I see a woman with cat eyeglasses walking down the halls of eternity.

The painting started as a large woman in a red dress, her hair covered by a long red veil. You can no longer see any of that.  She felt to be a mother superior archetype.

This large looming figure was pulling a tree out of the ground to the far left of the canvas. It been growing in the dark of the past.  I sensed the use of power and an old world of punishment and criticism. She made me nervous but that anger was keeping me safe. She was fast and swift as she pulled it up and held it up to the sun. She demanded seen the behaviors hidden and a change as she planted it in the far right of the canvas, signaling the future.

I could see her twirling in her red dress raising it up. It brought me feelings of freedom and joy. The complexity of that figure included my own family and the Catholic church. She was the church herself, a community beyond formal institutions, the red of the blood that carried it’s history. The old woman in red was great wisdom. A sense of Sofia and my own great grandmothers I had never met and feel like I know intimately.

After that scene I had mixed all the colors together creating the background of how it appears now.

Earlier in the day, I saw in my mind, images of  gold and crimson triangles floating together. It felt like salvation and endearing love entering the bloodstream.  It felt relieving to put it on the canvas. The gold of healing energy moving through this great mother.  I was happy to paint it and felt comfortable with its reality.  The known work to bring the best out of a situation. This great mother of wisdom that seeks liberation from suffering.

The work of the past mingled with the energy of a new day and what it can do. What it sees. What it won’t stand for and what it can take no more of. Ripping the roots right out of the land of the past and raising it up to the sun. The source of nurturing guidance. A new way to interact with this world. The healing of the great mother in the psyche.

Putting color in  the triangles each one felt like a different personality. A continued expression of individuality in a state of togetherness. A feel of ancientness in continued effort.

This figure was taking a step forward. I could feel the purposeful step and also a bit of balance finding. The weight of itself made up of so many windows into the soul.  Each bit of color felt to be a personality of a family tree. The weight of family hard to walk with, but she does. The endearing love of a great mother.

Some of the windows are dirty and rough around the edges. They spoke of wars and tattered clothes. The way of the poor and the hungry of this world.

Pulling the tree out of the dark and moving it to the sun she wants to let the beautiful blue of the new sky show the way – recognizing the great power of the Holy Mother, it is the communion of people.

There was a feeling of being a child of God in this painting. A way children born of her can let the sun shine on us despite the back breaking labor of existence. A great mother finds a way to nurture and guide her children where to find the best of themselves and how to walk in this world as hers.

There is more of course, always so much more.



Deliberate Counsel

Everyday saints and Bodhisattvas are among us. They live and breathe around us. They are known by many for their good works. Can be counted on to pull through in miraculous ways. They look out at the world with constant inspiration to find solutions.

Luckily the world is filled with living examples of people doing amazing things everywhere all of the time. Bringing answers and energy with great momentum.

People inspire each other. We connect and move beyond competition of survival and move into a state of service. We are reservoirs of great care and compassion for people and this planet. We can look and see and feel inspired by the miraculous things that occur in everyday actions.

This strong soul stuff pushes forward and connects with others in a way that plants seeds for a deeper humanity.  Plants new memories of someone that cares and knows. A way that is constantly working to rise up and move step by step to the victory won every day.

This painting was done after meeting an incredibly inspirational human being. A great power of conviction and energy poured out of him.  The swirls were energy vortexes containing a depth of  information and an energy output of grand proportion.

The golden swirls were a conversation of guides moving in and around us building momentum for actions that are mutually beneficial. It was a meeting of great energies connecting and mingling together. Great beings watching over us and drawing more in. Participation and knowledge in the bringing about of a new day with a creative evolution of ideas and potential.

The admission of these great powers within us bring together our voices and strength in action towards a better day, everyday.

It seemed important to use so much blue. Big open sky blue and vast oceans of blue. This man has a voice of change and clarity and can talk about great things. The red of the painting feeling like a wall or ledge to walk up to and jump from here to there. No fear and no hesitation.

Gold of a great sunrise and sunset.

If you turn this painting to the right it appears to look like a caterpillar going up stairs with silly clown shoes.  Dropping from his feet at every step is a beautiful fruit growing in the green fields of imagination and complete openness to potential.

His yellow mind of joy as he bobbles around finding his way with a cherry on top. The white, if you look carefully, is in the shape of a woman climbing in and staring into that illuminated head.  Turned, green mountains become his spine, the risen Kundalini. The life force energy pumping through the body.

The bubbles of blue each had their own personality it seemed. Shared colors, but still different, working together. I am beyond just a state of happy when I’m painting, I disappear into a kind of trance where there are no thoughts and I follow every instinct. The absorption I experienced that night was truly ecstatic.

Thankfully people creating change and inspiring others exists, many of them, all working together. These great guides of eternity ushering us through with tact and skill. We are blessed by all of this work we do together that builds consistently and with just cause.

In celebration of all beings seen and unseen that look out over the world and care about the greater work we all do together, the power to keep going is all around us. We are finely oiled machines of energy even if it looks like chaos and feels that way. We rebuild, regrow, change and impact. From this to that we are bound.

The harnessing of energies and directing the output to higher ideals and ideas for the benefit of all is a difficult task without beginning or end. We just keep going,  recognize suffering, how it is caused and how to remedy. The beautiful fruit of effort is planted in the minds and hearts of people and in time are harvested and eaten. I met this person in 2020 amidst the chaos of the pandemic and a push forward in the name of social justice. The fruits of that interaction are still being harvested. It is in the powerful interactions of people that bring our destinies to light.

The Dirty Muse

A soul landing!

Into the realm of new realities. An expression of exuberance. A flight into the great void of long journeyed lovers come from far away.

There was a launch from the past into the future, back and thru. West to east and a firm handshake of forgetfulness.

A great flight north blindly following an inspiration for humanity and a strange concoction of emotions and thoughts that brought me out of myself, finally, again. Into everything all at once.

A revelation into the portals of change and coalesced beautification of a soul glowing with an outpouring of pontification.  I heard his voice. He was actualized potential – zang goes the meeting house.

We had wisdom flying all around us. His voice and dedication felt real.  Full of answers and solutions that lead to the greater heights of connection of all people. Deepened knowledge of what we are up against, what to do, and what it would take to keep going.

The interactions of people create an opening, an access point for energy and effort to make changes and inspire new ideas and greater plans that go into far off directions. In that capacity for impact  is written what happens.

Taking up the task of sacrificing efforts to the greater good of humanity grants the world a look inside your life and takes from it the very best you can offer with trouble accepting less.

A knowing is enlivened, a knowing what has been, what is now and what is to come. A wisdom of knowledge opened and contained in a space and yet somehow sent out as well.

A dance in the moment of exactly now.

A dance out of a limited way of understanding the self.

An electric dance of NOW!

Changes to the mind and heart. Ways of weakness in the race for greatness are transfigured to a strength.  Forgiveness and healing ensues. Justice prevails. I had met someone gifted in the ways of freedom.

Our capacities of functioning are beyond this mundane world. What we can do and know are limited until they aren’t.  Ways of living in harmony with the depth of what humans can know and how we  impact. The way that a soul can be set free from the body in times of rapturous connection and greet the great night of everything that is happening and in the deep unconscious what needs to be done. A wake up call to greater potential of sacrifice.

After a night of such an opening I raced home to paint. The bottom left of the painting came through with ease in my hand. When I say that, I mean just a simple movement of the wrist felt ecstatic. To let the hand be guided by intelligence and knowing beyond the conscious control. My hand felt liberated  enjoyment of expression. It was highly pleased with where it found itself.

The movement was simple and fast, creating a kind of filing cabinet or skyscraper in a strange land.  A heavenly place of knowledge and what felt like the only thing that is lasting and real, the recordings of soul activity.

There was a strong and matter of fact movement to paint the very cloaked, held back and hidden language of symbols. Hidden still in what I painted, seeming to represent a brick wall and a secret language that has shown itself in other paintings with equaled feelings of importance to me.   It felt like ancient codes of remembrance and change. It was the library of karma in action.

The Nefertiti like winged woman with her elegant flight home feeding herself and others from the berries she carries around her own neck. Lifetimes of knowledge and wisdom dripping from her ancient outstretched structure.

The tall golden skull, it was almost too difficult to paint in any other way than how it came out despite feeling its disappointment in lack of skill regarding such importance of what went on in that heightened dome. The feeling was of remembering I am a child to such a thing. The lines felt like they were representing stairways that go in both directions like electric currents.

An apartment as a purple box and learning the intense meaning of simplicity that can be so profound.

Visitations by great joyous muses of freedom and liberation brought me into the realm of shared existence, a cleaning up of selfishness, and showed me still deeper the dirtied world of heartache and existential angst, willing to go into the thick and gooey disheveling of a soul and pull from it a journey.

Right there with me was a great dome of wisdom reaching the heavens and putting it’s knowledge to work.  A muse that cleans up the space and mind muddled by confusion and despair of this world. A great opening into truth of shared paths brought about by shared space and time. It’s what we can do.

There’s so much more to say and so much more to do. From the green of day to the black of night.

Great capacities are found in the human mechanisms of connection with a furry of energies flying through the filing cabinets of our souls and breaking through to a new day.

We are powerful and we are here. May we enact the highest of our abilities and faculties to bring the best of humanity forward. Change is made every day by great powers seen and unseen. May we all learn how we can truly work together to make our lives and the lives in the future harmonious and healed and go in the books as having done all we can.

Existence At Once

This was painted in May of 2020, during the pandemic, the great pause of capitalism and the Black Lives Matter movement forward that had occurred.

A push forward with a mighty force to continue shining light onto the reality of  racism and hate in this country.  It was the year I learned just how sensitive we are to real time moments and messaging regarding the world and the collective power.

The day before George Floyd was killed I was overcome by a knowing that something was going to change the societal landscape and conversation regarding racism.   An uprising of black and brown skinned people to take back more power and control over the equity and safety of their lives. I was made aware of its importance and told of its coming.

Meditation, Buddhism, yoga and the work of liberation from the hands of illusion, as I practiced it, kept me in a space of observing and being present to everything all at once, right now, allowing the truth to be known. Feeling the vibrations in the air. Being with it. The information that is formed in space and time and moves about freely.

The information came through in voices from another place. A poetic whisper of the coming work of justice seekers and a teaching of the restraint that we will see despite the crimes that brought about the need for justice. The horrific nightmare of hatred and the long history and story of people being forced to restore their faith together.

The ignorant nature of people in charge to do terrible things and get away with it is done by the allowance of it. The power of protest one way we have in our capacity to stand up when needed.

The feeling of being outside of important work and only listening had me put a canvas on the easel.  I had met someone involved in the movement  and the energy of its importance was apparent.  My feet were struggling to hit the streets and I needed to get there. The calling taking every bit of my attention.

To understand more deeply what was overtaking me I got quiet and waited. A crocodile came to mind. A great image of the bumps on the back of the crocodile passing before me in water.  I saw an image of my hand reaching out to touch them. The unconscious power sleeping within.

The crocodile is an ancient animal of primal, aggressive emotions, resilience and power. Unbridled feminine power, says Animal Speaks by Ted Andrews. I compulsively began painting the bumps I saw on its back and kept going following every instinct without stop for a number of hours.

Painting red, blue and gold over and over,  feeling the emotions through of being held captive by instincts of revolution while locked in a room. The energy of the world gets moved around and shared. A very real felt sense of everything at once and forming a direct conversation with the present moment.

The lower left began to feel like portals to former and younger versions of myself that had gained perspective and momentum.  A sense of me personally and individually but also the collective itself. It felt like the story of my own development, the development of all humans on their life journeys and also the universal and collective development as a whole.

The upper right feeling like the elder version of myself in the future as an old woman that had offered all she could. And right through the middle, the present, emerging and moving through the portals of transformation to sound the great Om of the conscious and unconscious realms of existence meeting each other. Moving as one with past and future in the collective movement towards greater awareness of ourselves.

The symbol was teaching me of itself. The natural development of time and place eternal by the actions of everything all together and the ability to choose how to enact its knowledge.

The Om symbol came through the painting at me before I painted it. Looking into the portal I saw it emerge from the painting. A great Om from the depths, calling for reality to be known of our lives together in the often aggressive and transformative unconscious state that brings to consciousness what is truly here. In this waking state, illusion is unveiled to experience the transcendental state of the non-physical realm where thoughts and emotions flow through our reality. Everything always moving and changing by every thought and deed.

I had been aware of the symbol for a long time. Chanting it and contemplating its meaning over years of practice. Some part of me grasping the totality of it. Painting it brought its lessons closer and revealed my attempt to hold still what never seems able to.

We feel the collective that is constantly awakening and transforming itself. Shedding the veil between the past and future that comes created by the speed of movement by  everything right now all the time. It lives within us, the power to change to reality.

There is a flame representing the all consuming current moment in a transcended state. It was full burning with information of the veiled work of the collective to change itself.  Burning away the veil of mystery. It felt like the BLM movement itself in the transcended symbol as I painted it. The transcendental reality of collective action. So complicated to explain but it’s what is happening all the time.

The burning that reveals what will be. The awakening of people in every moment by billions and billions of actions. The continued movement of people to be free and safe here together.  The liberated state that is constantly coming is an aggressive power of sewn seeds. The unconscious instincts of humans that play a role in the deep control of fellow human beings in this veiled reality. The deep hatred of humans that still lingers in the dark coming further and again into the light of day.

BLM, like any movement that exists to end suffering, is a collective tool to demand the world  pay closer attention to important matters. We are a world still very much dominated and ran by fascist and racist people working very hard to take liberation from others.  We exist as free as we are thanks to movements that protest and demand awareness and a joining together of collective power in people.

It was very necessary for the rise of BLM to occur and for race talks to continue where they had stopped or where the public was still not even aware of the issue. It is a non-stop conversation fueled by desire for truth.  All the things that were said during the surge of voices by BLM were necessary and still only a blip of yet another push to unveil truths living to degrees unknown.

The lineages of people grappling with this worlds continued ignorance of suffering is what calls out for justice. There is no rest for these great works and it takes people to power them. This is what we are made of and made from. The energy to keep it moving.

We power this world and its happenings everyday with our actions or non actions. Suffering comes in many forms. Not only due to the color of skin but by social and economic status, religious practices, sexual preferences, and the various manners of living.  Transformed perceptions is how we end conflicts based in ignorance.

There is immeasurable damage done by white supremacy, xenophobia, colonization, patriarchal domination and greed. The scars and wounds on the unconscious mind of the collective don’t quiet until heard, healed and prevented.

Here, in Burlington, there were marches every night through the city for a month and an encampment in city park to bring to light the harm caused by the police force.  I did get my feet there to march too.  The momentum took over and every night from a few towns over I could feel the energy rising and needing to get myself there. Nights went by with paintings that involved a new world coming, a black sacred clown, paintings of rainbows calling an awareness to queer culture and also paintings of work being done by mutual aid groups in the city.

It was a time when a mutual aid group in the city expanded its collective power and began offering food and supplies to anyone that needed it. They called themselves Food Not Cops.  They are considered a terrorist group by some in the city. I consider them my friends. I moved to the city because of this work. They still feed people every day and we work together to take care of each other using our natural skills, strengths and interests. There is a lot happening in this city right now. In all of them. I believe in the power of the micro to impact the macro. To do what you can in your own small town to impact the rest of the world.

The energy of people working together creates reality. We move it forward, no one else will do it. It is in our hands where the voices demanding justice land. The work of the world demands attention. Working with the energy and people demanding locked doors be opened along with closed minds to a new reality always being created. We need to know each other and work together.

In describing any of this it is really my desire to bring attention to our shared reality we all feel and know. It is around us, it informs us, and it asks us to act, or we ignore it.  We create it and move it, we deal with it from others. The want for society to find peace is a selfish and selfless desire. What we create in ourselves and in others is shared.

Also, in this painting are a number of eyes. We are watched from many different dimensions and from many different angles and places. The eyes looking from the past or the future as well. We are witnessed and known.

I See It Now

Knowing there is something here and still coming. A continuous unfolding of right now and not yet.  The wait and see.

You have to wait with a moment. Give it space to swirl open and reveal itself. An energy that speaks a subtle language.

There is a wanting to be known and waiting for its acceptance. Intense wisdom of the ages that we have access to. The very source of energy that unfolds and reveals itself freely; the mystery.

The inspired momentum of liberation to states of knowledge and wisdom. The way to be together. This is an ancient passage way.

There are subtle vibrations that course through us. A magic mystery of things that seems to whisper…that knows. There is confidence and trust in the very real that directs individual experience within the collective and is seeking to bring individuals together in new ways.

This mystery has interest in the affairs of life and makes movements and choices at a tremendous speed. The movement of answers. Of what to do next. Of what comes next…right now.

The collective course of action to achieve liberation for all people. The shared result of existence. The journey of humanity is going through time and events that unravel the illusion of a separate self. I may play a small part, but we have tremendous abilities.

This story playing out of all these great lovers of humanity coming together, going through a process of merging, integrating, waiting and becoming something else.

This painting tells of a process.  Cloaked figures during the changing of time and the development of life. I see a Mother Mary figure, portals and figures telling of salvation, growth and transfiguration. Peace on the mountains and in the valleys. Great energies available to all people that inspire and invoke guidance and wisdom looking out and engaging with needed insight.

There are seeds sown and movement by grace. A felt sense of revelation and completion. The dark blue around the figure feeling like the earth itself. The yellow around the figures felt like living in the sun of the new day that is always coming..the what comes next.

This painting felt like the continued development of inner freedom. The very things  we all know deeply and are connected to despite our seemingly separate experiences. This is our ingrained desire to live in liberation and recognize it in each other.

I see a crowned prophet and a ring of marriage. This is what lady grace speaks of, and the clatter of the fans go wild.  The enemy lurks only until it doesn’t. There is no failure in this fertile land of grace, victory the only way. Be mine tonight oh light of seventh heaven. For mine is yours and yours is mine.